Our process involved engaging with local citizens to cast a vision for rail trail enhancements, new downtown streetscapes, community stage, pump track, and skate park. DbD also helped secure approximately $1.1 million in grant funding for these projects and continues to lead engineering and implementation efforts.

Streetscape Engineering

Our team is engineering an end product for Spindale that enhances usability and safety, while reinforcing the town’s new brand identity as a burgeoning trail town.

Spindale Streetscape crosswalk birds-eye.
Spindale Streetscape crosswalk close.
Spindale Streetscape crosswalk road work.


As always, our process involved listening to the ideas and concerns of the local community, government leaders, and tourism stakeholders, resulting in the brand achieving full buy-in and support from the town of Spindale and the Rutherford County Tourism Development Authority.

Spindale Streetscape public engagement speaker.
Spindale Streetscape public engagement ribbon cutting.
Spindale Streetscape public engagement tents.
Spindale Streetscape public engagement plan.
Spindale Streetscape public engagement dirt movement.
Spindale Streetscape public engagement crosswalk.

Brand Strategy

To accompany the infrastructure improvements, our team developed a place brand to celebrate Spindale’s eclectic, yet family friendly vibe, and promote it as a destination along the trail. The strategy leans into the town’s association with music and social gatherings, establishing downtown as the epicenter of social life and recreation in Rutherford County.

Logo Design

The refreshed visitor-facing logo is bold and classic, with forward momentum that nods at the town’s bright future as a destination in western North Carolina. A subtle reference to a guitar pick and strings hints at Spindale’s musical roots.

Spindale Streetscape pole banner.