Our team of planners and engineers is bringing the vision for the Fonta Flora State Trail into reality. This trail will link pedestrians, hikers, and cyclists to the world class cultural and natural resources of western North Carolina, while encouraging economic growth in the region.
A Regional Trail Master Plan
We crafted the master plans for sections 1, 2, and 3 of the 7 total segments that will make up the final trail. These three sections link Lake James–the trail’s hallmark outdoor asset– to Marion, with connections to Black Boat Bear Access, Fonta Flora Brewery, and the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail.

Sustainable Trail Design
Our team leveraged our extensive experience in trail engineering and construction to prioritize a low-impact, sustainable trail design that is enjoyable and safe for all levels of users.

Park Design & Engineering
We partnered with North Carolina State Parks and local government organizations to lay the first section of trail– which features wayfinding, signage, and trail support facilities.