As a rural Tier 1 community, Bertie County faces significant challenges such as aging downtowns and infrastructure, yet is also possesses immense potential as a cultural and ecotourism destination in eastern North Carolina.
This plan leverages historic buildings, green spaces, trail systems, and pedestrian-friendly infill to create more vibrant, connected communities, and to lay the foundation for sustainable economic growth.
At the heart of the plan is a series of illustrative master plans proposing redevelopment to many of the county’s downtown core areas, with the towns of Aulander, Powellsville and Windsor as the primary focus of the plan. These design efforts aim to spark small business growth, create new jobs, and breathe life into Bertie’s historic rural communities.

Community Engagement
Through extensive public engagement efforts, including focus groups, surveys, and public meetings, it was determined the plan would focus on the future of the communities’ downtowns as a mechanism for growth.
To maximize citizen participation, a plan website and promotional video were created.
This video, featuring eastern NC native Ron Griswell, uniquely profiles the County’s assets, and introduces the key goals of the plan – to boost tourism, revitalize downtowns, and support small businesses through initiatives focused on outdoor recreation, heritage tourism, and agritourism.
Featuring local voices and perspectives, the video aims to generate interest and buy-in from residents. The call-to-action invites the community to share their ideas, and demonstrates commitment to a community-driven approach.

Conceptual Wayfinding Designs
Countywide wayfinding and gateway signage concepts were derived from a destination brand identity created by our Communications team. Coordinating our planning and branding efforts in such a multidisciplinary fashion helps fast-track revitalization efforts by casting a comprehensive vision to promote visitation, improve connectivity, and showcase what Bertie can offer the world.

Content & Brand Identity
Through a concurrent process including a separate brand study, our Communications team developed a robust visual identity and brand strategy to help guide County marketing efforts and cast a vision for Bertie as a world class ecotourism destination.