Active Bids
Manteo Wayfinding
The Town of Manteo will accept sealed bids for the fabrication and installation of the Manteo Wayfinding Signage Project per the attached plans located at various locations around Manteo, NC.
The Manteo Wayfinding Signage Project includes the fabrication and installation of five types of signs in various locations with a minimum of 10 signs and up to a total of 53 signs.
Contract is to be awarded on a Unit Price basis including fabrication of the wayfinding signs, poles, and all associated costs. Unit prices shall also include labor to erect all signage components including the installation of the concrete foundations for the signs. Contractor is to obtain and ensure that all applicable permits & NCDOT encroachments have been obtained prior to installation of signs. Contractor shall provide final shop drawings stamped by an Engineer licensed in the state of North Carolina. Contractor must be a NCDOT prequalified bidder.
Bid Documents:
Bid Documents for the work may be obtained from the Landscape Architect, Destination by Design Studios, PLLC. All documents will be issued electronically in .pdf format after submitting information in the form below. Requests for documents shall include company name, address, phone number, and contact email.
Pre-bid Conference:
A non-mandatory pre-bid video conference will be held electronically on August 22, 2024 at 1:00 PM local prevailing time. Instruction to access the meeting will be emailed to bidders who submit their information below.
Meeting Link:
Request for Information:
Requests for information shall utilize the pre-bid question form included in the project manual and be directed to the Landscape Architect via email at [email protected]. All responses for information and addenda will be issued to
Sealed Bids:
Sealed bids will be received and opened publicly on September 3, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the Manteo Town Hall located at 407 Budleigh St, Manteo, NC 27954 and should be clearly marked “Manteo Wayfinding Signage” and addressed to Melissa Dickerson, Town Manager.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or cashier’s check in the amount of 5% of the bid payable to Town of Manteo.
Town of Manteo reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Vendors submitting bids are encouraged to solicit Minority Business Enterprise / Women’s Business Enterprise Participation in fulfilling their contract. The bid should indicate MBE/WBE areas of involvement.
The successful bidder shall comply with all Federal and State requirements concerning fair employment and treatment of all employees, without regard or discrimination by reason of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or physical handicap.
Depot Park (Rebid)
The City of Shelby will accept sealed bids for the construction of the Depot Park project located in the City of Shelby at 328 Market Street; bound by Graham Street to the north, Market Street to the east, Gardner Street to the south, and Morgan Street to the west.
The Depot Park project includes the adaptive reuse rehabilitation of the existing Depot Building, demolishing an addition that was added to the original Depot Building, addition of six (6) new structures including a stage, two (2) restroom buildings, and three (3) open air shelters. Site upgrades will include road improvements with curb and gutter, storm drains, and asphalt; extension of the Carolina Harmony Trail with an elevated section of trail requiring a pedestrian bridge; splash pad; playground; misting system; pavers; site and decorative lighting; and landscaping with irrigation.
Bid Documents:
Complete plans, specifications, and contract documents for the work may be available in .pdf format after making a request by filling out the form below. Requests for documents shall include company name, address, phone number, and contact email.
HARD COPIES available for viewing only:
George W. Clay Jr. Utilities Operations Center
824 W. Grover Street
Shelby, NC 26840
(704) 484-6840
Pre-bid Conference:
A pre-bid conference will not be held. Instead, a previous pre-bid presentation has been provided.The presentation can be accessed by filling out the form below.
Request for Information:
Requests for information shall be accepted until August 15, 2024 and utilize the pre-bid request for information form included in the project manual and be directed to the Landscape Architect via email at [email protected]. All responses for information and addenda will be issued to
Sealed Bids:
Sealed bids will be received and opened publicly on August 29, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the George W. Clay Jr. Utilities Operations Center located at 824 W. Grover Street, Shelby, NC and should be clearly marked “Depot Park” and addressed to Mr. Rick Howell, City Manager.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or cashier’s check in the amount of 5% of the bid payable to City of Shelby.
The City of Shelby reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Vendors submitting bids are encouraged to solicit Minority Business Enterprise / Women’s Business Enterprise Participation in fulfilling their contract. The bid should indicate MBE/WBE areas of involvement.
The successful bidder shall comply with all Federal and State requirements concerning fair employment and treatment of all employees, without regard or discrimination by reason of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or physical handicap.
Howard Knob (Rebid)
Watauga County will accept sealed bids for the construction of the Howard Knob Park Project located at 604 Howards Knob Road, Boone NC 28607.
The Howard Knob Park Project includes the installation of boulder retaining walls, standard duty paving, concrete sidewalk, a paver plaza, pavilion improvements, a portable restroom enclosure, and site furnishings. The scope of work also includes a Corten steel overlook and signage.
Bid Documents:
Bid Documents for the work may be obtained from the Landscape Architect Destination by Design Studios, PLLC. All documents will be issued electronically in .pdf format after making a request by filling out the form below. Requests for documents shall include company name, address, phone number, and contact email.
Request for Information:
Requests for information shall utilize the pre-bid question form included in the project manual and be directed to the Landscape Architect via email at [email protected]. All responses for information and addenda will be issued to
Pre-bid Conference:
A non-mandatory pre-bid video conference will be held electronically on August 15, 2024 at 11:00 AM local prevailing time. Instructions to access the meeting will be emailed to bidders who submit their information below.
Thursday, August 15 · 11:00am – 12:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 443-377-1333 PIN: 815 204 283#
More phone numbers:
Sealed Bids:
Sealed bids will be received and opened publicly on August 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Watauga TDA located at 331 Queen Street, Suite 101, Boone, NC 28607 and should be clearly marked “Howard Knob Park” and addressed to Keron Poteat, Parks & Recreation Director.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or cashier’s check in the amount of 5% of the bid payable to Watauga County.
Watauga County reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Vendors submitting bids are encouraged to solicit Minority Business Enterprise / Women’s Business Enterprise Participation in fulfilling their contract. The bid should indicate MBE/WBE areas of involvement.
The successful bidder shall comply with all Federal and State requirements concerning fair employment and treatment of all employees, without regard or discrimination by reason of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or physical handicap.
Please direct all questions to Case Neal at [email protected]