The Blue Ridge Rising Regional Plan Summit

Blue Ridge Rising is a regional effort to further unify the gateway communities along the entire Blue Ridge Parkway.

The Blue Ridge Rising Summit was the culmination of 12-months of public engagement for the project, which included listening sessions in all 29 Parkway communities (NC and VA), seven regional meetings, and a host of deep-dive work sessions.

Six key themes emerged from this regional planning work: Marketing; Visitor Experience; Advocacy; Education; Resource Protection; and Capacity. From these themes stakeholders identified 59 strategic initiatives and 15+ immediate priorities.

It was inspiring to see 130+ community leaders and doers from all 29 Parkway communities in one room rallying behind a collective regional vision.

The Blue Ridge Rising Regional Plan Summit reader.
The Blue Ridge Rising Regional Plan Summit marketing page.
The Blue Ridge Rising Regional Plan Summit music.
The Blue Ridge Rising Regional Plan Summit readers.