The redesign of the park’s pump track, brand identity, facilities and signage truly bring the park into the 21st century. Sleek and modern, the park is an eye-catching wonder located right off Highway 421. With these improvements, Rocky Knob is the ultimate place to ride in the North Carolina High Country.


Custom-built signage anchors the new pump track. Designed by our team and crafted locally in Boone, the solid, contiguous railing artwork had to be set in place with a crane.

The design is meant to be sleek and eye-catching, utilizing negative circular space to allow the action behind the sign to become part of the design.


Our rebranding efforts and pump track redesign culminated with an all-day community event. The festivities were fun for the whole family, including, a ribbon cutting, kid’s pump track jam, group rides, whip-off competition, music, and food.


The park’s visual identity contains subtle nods to east coast MTB culture, while highlighting the geological importance of the amphibolite mountain chain that Rocky Knob is a part of.


Rocky Knob is a collaborative effort between the Watauga County Tourism Development Authority, Destination By Design, Boone Area Cyclists, and numerous local volunteers. Community input was necessary to shape the park into a world-class destination.

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