As a way of taking charge of their future, Harney wanted to define their identity before the outside world defined it for them. DbD created a strategic brand framework based on the concept of Land, Water, Sky, Soul to showcase Harney County as a place of soul, stewardship, and solitude. Its people and its land are inextricably linked.


The brand concept, Land, Water, Sky, Soul signifies the natural elements and the people who form the fabric of Oregon’s High Desert. Representing each element of the tagline, the visual identity includes graphical icons from petroglyphs found in the County— paying homage to the heritage and symbols of the surrounding native people.

The primary lockup for the Harney County, OR visual identity.
A secondary mark in the Harney County, OR visual identity.
Alternative marks for the Harney County, OR visual identity.


Our content producers spent 5 days interviewing Harney County residents and exploring this enormous territory. The stories captured were used to create a brand video communicating a spirited vision for the County’s future, and uniting everyone around a common identity.

Mockup of a building mural in Harney County, OR.
The Harney County, OR brand icons displayed over an image taken on-site.
Mockups of branded Harney County, OR merchandise, including a t-shirt and mugs/bottles.
Mockup of a smoke stack in Harney County, OR.


Our marketing plan takes a ground up approach to place-based destination marketing. It intends to deepen pride among residents, enhance visitor appeal, and attract a skilled workforce. The 84-page document includes visitor research, a content calendar, a proposed budget, implementation plan, and advertising recommendations.

Mockups of the Harney County, OR marketing plan table of contents and a billboard advertisement.

Research &

Community event in Harney County, OR.

Our process involved listening to the community, including those who have stewarded this land for eons, the “Wadatika” band of the Burns Paiute Tribe. This revealed a compelling and authentic story of an inspirational frontier community that is leading by example in a region in need of solutions.

Community event in Harney County, OR.