Danville wanted to update its identity and needed a new way to engage its residents and welcome visitors. We partnered with the City to create a brand vision that conveys its welcoming, hopeful essence, centered around and symbolized by the Dan river.
Our new strategy for Danville captures the city’s ever-present feeling and narrative of “home”. The primary element of Danville’s new logo is the city’s iconic bridge that connects its communities, and the Dan river, which both literally and figuratively ties the city together.

As part of the project, our team redesigned the city seal- its first update since its origin. Also, a new city flag, police cars, fire department badges, and a variety of municipal government collateral was designed and produced.

Through our community research and engagement, our team uncovered a profound commitment among locals to fostering a sense of belonging. This, among other factors, led to the very apt tagline: “Feels like Home.” The new identity was adopted and wholeheartedly embraced by all the facets community.