Beginning several years ago, with our award-winning rebranding effort for Lenoir’s Downtown Municipal District, which included a brand study, community and stakeholder engagement, a full brand identity system, custom photography, advertising design, and a new Downtown website; the City of Lenoir engaged our team to develop a separate-but-related brand identity for the entire City- one that would build upon the success of the Downtown brand and drive visitation and cohesion throughout the City.
This new city-wide brand incorporates elements of the Downtown identity, but broadens it to represent multiple elements of the wider City, such as the pharmaceutical industry, technology and data centers such as Facebook, and the arts. In keeping with the original Downtown tagline, “Together We Create”, the new City of Lenoir tagline is “Create With Us”, both of which are inclusive and speak to the collaborative and historically creative nature of Lenoir’s craftsman and maker heritage.

To learn more about the success of this great project and what it’s doing to help revitalize the City of Lenoir and bring community leaders together in support of a common vision, read this story in the Caldwell Journal.
Also, watch this video where our DIrector of Communications, Matt Powell sits down Main Street Manager, Kaylynn Horn to discuss our process for branding downtown Lenoir: