Developing a Primary Destination
The DbD team joined community leaders to cut the ribbon on downtown Spindale’s $1.45 million Main Street revitalization project, unveiling a new streetscape and connection to the Thermal Belt Rail-Trail. The historic textile community has embraced place-making to encourage economic development and position Spindale as a primary destination along the nearly 14-mile trail.
“What the commissioners and leaders have done here is create a platform to grow small businesses and to make entrepreneurship flourish in Rutherford County.”
Eric Woolridge, Director of Planning at DbD

Phase One of the streetscape project included several features, such as widened sidewalks, street trees, custom bike racks and benches, street lighting, and new crosswalks linking Main Street to the Thermal Belt Rail-Trail. These improvements are the first major renovation in downtown Spindale in 100 years and represent a step forward in becoming a memorable stop along the Rail-Trail.

Looking forward, Spindale’s vision includes modernized public spaces, enhanced retail opportunities, and heightened pedestrian access to welcome trail users and promote small business growth in downtown. This project has been spearheaded by local leaders and the Spindale community and is one of the many infrastructure projects throughout Rutherford County that are part of the Rutherford Bound initiative.

Rutherford Bound aims to place quality-of-life infrastructure across all of Rutherford County through streetscape enhancements, improved parks and pedestrian areas, and a system of greenways, trails, and river access points. Rural communities embracing this kind of change are creating exciting new places for visitors, where families can call home and local businesses and investors can seek growth opportunities.

“This project is about connecting people with places. It’s about connecting the community together here. It’s about placemaking. All of these things are what brings a community together and what makes us a thriving community.”
Scott Weber, Spindale Town Manager